Profitable Traffic Building – 3 Big Myths and What to Do Instead to Build Your Traffic (Get Started)

Got traffic? You need it online to build a successful business.

And building a successful online business is why you’re here, right?

So there are lots of myths about traffic generation. If I went after all of them is this article we’d be here all day. So I’m just going to go after 3 of the biggest ones and what to do instead.

Traffic Building Myth #1 – You Have to Pay for High Quality Traffic – This one is usually promoted by those who have a course on paid traffic. Naturally.

I’m not against paid traffic. Not at all. However, my strong recommendation is you wait to pay for traffic until you’ve got a proven system for leading people from prospects to profits.

The Truth and What to Do Instead – There are plenty of sources online for free high quality traffic. This article that you are reading is one of them. And they flat out work. In fact, every single member in my high level mentorship program came in through free traffic.

Traffic Building Myth #2 – You Only Need One Great Source of Traffic – If you believe this, there’s a pretty good chance you are being lazy. Dan Kennedy is spot on when he says “the worst number in business is one.”

What happens if your one great source of traffic dries up? What happens if something changes online that makes your one great source of traffic obsolete? (Remember MySpace?) This is not a good or safe position for you to be in with your traffic sources.

The Truth and What to Do Instead – Just like you want the chair you’re sitting in held up by more than one leg, you always want to have multiple great sources of traffic.

Traffic Building Myth #3 – Only Experienced “Gurus” Have Access to Great Sources of Traffic – First of all, I sure dislike that word “guru.” In fact, I always take the time to instruct anyone who is introducing me to never use the word guru. It’s just gross.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. With that out of the way, I’ll had that many people use this myth as an excuse for not building traffic. I think that’s gross too.

The Truth and What to Do Instead – The truth is even Day One Beginners can get high quality free traffic. Something that will help you get started is leveraging the 4 rules of traffic.

And you can grab your Free Instant Access to a mercifully brief video about The 4

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